Bible Study, Daily Devotional and More with The Australian Union Conference of The Seventh-day Adventist Church

Bible Study, Daily Devotional and More with The Australian Union Conference of The Seventh-day Adventist Church

Have you ever found yourself asking who is God? What is God’s will for my life? Why does God allow suffering? Are you looking for answers but don’t know how to study the Bible?

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Australian Union Conference of The Seventh-Day Adventist Church President

“Have you woken up with your mental state drained emotionally and you’re absolutely physically exhausted rather than energized for the adventures of the new day? Jesus never did! He would start everyday with the living Word of God in prayerful communion with His Father and always had the spiritual strength to meet the challenges He was to face. Make it a practice to start your morning with a daily devotional and Bible study. You’ll find that you have the mental strength to meet the needs of the day and your physical tiredness will dissipate.”

—President Pr Terry Johnson

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Frequently Asked Questions

Who is God?

God the eternal Father is the Creator, Source, Sustainer, and Sovereign of all creation. He is just and holy, merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness. 

When Was Jesus Born?

While the world celebrates December 25 as the day of Jesus’ birth, this may not be historically accurate. While the Bible gives us little detail about the exact time of Jesus’ birth, we can deduce a time frame using historical and Biblical evidence that will determine the time Jesus was born.

Who Wrote the Bible?

The Holy Scriptures, Old and New Testaments, are the written Word of God, given by divine inspiration. The inspired authors spoke and wrote as they were moved by the Holy Spirit. In this Word, God has committed to humanity the knowledge necessary for salvation. The Holy Scriptures are the supreme, authoritative, and the infallible revelation of His will.

What Is love?

The Bible refers to love as a personal being – God himself. This means that everything God speaks, thinks, or feels is the revelation of love. When we manifest love towards each other, we are simply being who God created us to be.

Is Hell Real?

The Bible talks about hell as a fire that leads to complete destruction and death rather than a fire that burns continually throughout eternity. Hell is more of an event than a place. Hell refers to the ultimate destruction of sin in whats described as the “lake of fire” in Revelation 20. And as sin is destroyed, so it anything or anyone that holds onto it.

How to study the Bible?

If you’ve ever felt like studying the Bible is a challenge, and you’re just not sure where to start, we’ve got some simple tips and tricks that you can use to improve your Bible study experience.

How Will The world end?

“End times” refers to the period of time that occurs before the second coming of Jesus, and the end of this sinful world before it is re-created into the new earth. The Bible gives us some clues to help us recongise when these times are near, what we can expect, and what it may mean for our daily lives. The best part is that God doesn’t want us to be afraid. He wants us to be informed and prepared, trusting in Him.

Why does God allow suffering?

The Bible tells us that all the evil and suffering in our world is the result fo sin. Sin is rebellion against God’s plan by free moral beings. Christianity teaches that God is a God of love. He is also a God of justice and perfect righteousness.

Is there a final Judgement?

The final judgement is associated with the climax of the long controversy between God and Satan, which ends in the complete victory by God. After the final judgement there will be no more sin, instead there will be harmony throughout creation.

Is the Bible Accurate?

The Bible is not just a collection of human opinions, it is the word of God spoken through human beings. It provides us with practical advice on how we should live and reveals the lifestyle that God knows is best for us. There are non-bilbical sources that confirm the truth of scripture, and prophecy fulfilled. Further evidence comes from human experience, to see the effects of the Bible’s message in the lives of others.