
Called to be the hands and feet of Jesus

Discover how the Seventh-day Adventist’s in Australia engage with their communities, share Jesus Christ and build meaningful relationships through a variety of ministries.  


Justice, so that all people may experience life to the full. 

Compassion, so that together, we can break the cycle of poverty for the most vulnerable. 

Love, so that as Christians we live out our faith to make the world a better place 






The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island Ministries (ATSIM) equips Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples to establish fellowship, build relationships, and support their community. Through our initiatives and programs, we aim to promote a better understanding of the bible and develop the necessary skills to become servants of God and follow the example of Jesus within their communities.


Supporting Ministry leaders across the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Australia and New Zealand. 

Children’s Ministries

The Children’s Ministries Department is dedicated to nurturing the spiritual growth of children and equipping parents, grandparents, and carers to disciple their children. We strive to help parents and children develop a personal relationship with Jesus and grow in their understanding of the Bible.


The Communications Department is responsible for managing and overseeing the communication activities of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. This includes developing and implementing communication strategies, managing internal and external communications, and providing support and training to other departments and entities within the Church.

Family Ministries

The Family Ministries Department is designed to help families within the church grow in their faith and service to others. Families can equip themselves with the resources and training needed to nurture a lifelong and loving relationship with Jesus and His church. 

Men’s Ministry

The Men’s Ministries department aims to assist men in the church to strengthen their faith and commitment to serving God and their communities. We offer valuable resources to help men become who God has called them to be. 

Personal Ministries

The Personal Ministries department of the Seventh-day Adventist Church provides members with opportunities to share the gospel, support members in their growth, provide resources to equip pastors, and develop leaders through training. We are committed to uniting our members and churches to witness the power of Jesus in our lives.

Prayer Ministries

Prayer ministries exists to provide guidance and support to individuals on their faith journey.

Religious Liberty

The Religious Liberty department works to uphold and defend religious freedom for all individuals. The department strives to protect the rights of individuals to practice their religion freely and without fear of discrimination or persecution. Through advocacy, education, and outreach programs, the department helps to promote and preserve religious liberty.


Enhance your Sabbath School experience and deepen your understanding of God’s word. From lesson plans and study guides to videos and more, our resources are designed to help you grow in your faith and connect with fellow believers. 


The stewardship department is committed to promoting a deeper understanding of Biblical stewardship principles, which includes words, actions, and resources. We encourage good stewardship of God’s creation and all He has entrusted to us.

Trust Services

Trust Services offers financial, estate and gift planning information. Services generally are free, so every church member can effectively manage the resources God has entrusted to them.

Womens Ministry

The Women’s Ministries of the Australian Union Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church provides women with the opportunity to grow in faith, connect with other Seventh-day Adventist women, look for ways to serve and support the church, and inspire other women through service.


The Youth Ministries Department at the AUC seeks to provide young people with opportunities for spiritual growth, learning, and leadership development. We strive to create a safe place for young people to explore their faith, ask questions, and reflect on God’s love.