The Faces of Faith and Dedication
Discover the passionate individuals who form the heart of the Australian Union Conference. United by a commitment to service, faith, and community, our team works hand in hand to support the mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church across Australia, fostering environments where faith can flourish and individuals can find a spiritual home.
About Adventists
We believe that every human being is valued and because we are valued, life has meaning. All of us were miraculously crafted by God, we have been created by a maker who wants us to life life to the full. On top of that, God send His Son to demonstrate true love, forgiveness, grace and hope. Our relationship with Jesus Christ, defines every facet of who Adventists are. Seventh-day Adventists believe that a relationship with Jesus is profoundly connected to relationships in the world around us. We believe that spiritual and emotional wellbeing foster an active mind; an active mind is fuelled by a healthy body; and a healthy body and mind enables healthy social relationships. At the centre of every aspect of our faith is our love for Christ and love for one another. Serving others is the highest form of that love. That is why we are so active in health, education, development and in spreading the good news of God’s forgiveness and promise of salvation. If you’d like to know more about Seventh-day Adventist Christians, take the time to browse our website, even better, drop by one of our churches, schools, hospitals or clinics. You’ll meet ordinary people doing extraordinary things and their lives will, I believe, tell you more about who Adventists are than all the words I could write.
May God bless you in your spiritual journey.
—Pr Terry Johnson—

Leadership Team

Terry Johnson

Darren Gartlett
ATSIM Director

Murray Hunter
Media, Ministerial Association Secretary

Jeffrey Parker
Youth Ministries Director

Amanda Bews
Children's & Family Ministries Director

Luke Bapty
Senior Accountant/Finance

Jean Carter
ASA Director of Education

Jacques Calais
ASA Associate Director of Education

Jeffrey Masengi
General Secretary

Lyndelle Peterson
Ministerial Secretary

Kenn Duke
Director of Adventist Chaplaincy Ministries - Australian Defence Force

Sylvia Mendez
Women's Ministries & Resource Development Director

Kojo Akomeah
PARL Director

Michael Engelbrecht
Faith FM Manager

Karissa McMurtrie
People & Culture Manager

Peter Cameron
Chief Financial Officer

Brendan Pratt
Associate Ministerial Secretary

Nicu Dumbrava
Sabbath School, Stewardship & Personal Ministries Director

Kymberley McMurray
Communications Officer

Rodney Woods
Trust Services Director

Denison Grellmann
ADRA Australia CEO

James London
Principal Mamarapha College