Youth around Australia worship together at praise and testimony night

Dec 7, 2023 | News

Around 70 Adventist young adults from across Victoria gathered at Dandenong Filipino Church on November 10 for a night of praise and testimony. 

Hosted by the Australian Union Conference (AUC) youth department’s official publication My Edge magazine, the event was organised after positive feedback from the first event earlier in the year

Livestreamed, the event allowed youth from all over the country to join online, totalling around 200 views during the event. 

Young adult Andy Hopkins from Yarra Valley Seventh-day Adventist Church shared the miraculous story of how he fell 20 metres from a tree and survived, sustaining injuries to his ribs, vertebrae and pinkie finger. Mr Hopkins spent just two days in hospital after the incident and was back to work within two months.

Another highlight of the event was the Melbourne Adventist Youth Choir, which performed special items throughout the night. 

For My Edge magazine social media coordinator Kapungwe Besa, the highlight of the night was “seeing everyone sing ‘How Great Thou Art’”. 

“To see young adults in a room together praising the Lord so wholeheartedly reminded me of why we run this event in the first place. We are excited and eager to host the event again next year,” she added.

The original version of this article was published in the Record.


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