Nurturing the Next Generation in Faith

Our schools provide exciting opportunities for children to strengthen their faith and connect with Jesus through learning about His love for them, and how they can share that love with their family, friends, and community. 


Our philosophy of education is focused on Jesus. We believe that Jesus is the ultimate example of  ‘love in action’ and He wants us to do likewise. As such, Adventist Education is a vital ministry of the Seventh-day Adventist Church and is committed to sharing God’s life-transforming love. 

We believe that Jesus relates to us on a personal level, presenting His character as the ultimate example. His love and grace is the foundation of our relationship with Him. Therefore, Adventist Education weeks to reveal Jesus and nurture all “…to act justly, to love faithfulness, and walk humbly with your God” (Micah 6:8 CSB). We are children of Christ and He says to us all, “Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me.” (John 15:4 ESV)

By daily abiding in Jesus, we can find purpose, hope, and joy, even during difficult times. 

As such, Adventist Education strives to be transformative. It seeks to impart more than academic knowledge through the balanced development of the whole person: spiritually, mentally, socially, and physically. It seeks to guide students, promoting loving service rather than selfish ambition; and it embraces all that is true and good. 

Our schools and early learning services seek to be thriving, nurturing, learning communities where Jesus is central, and where our students and young children may become all God intends them to be. 

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Dr Jean Carter

Dr Jean Carter

Education (Australia)

Murray Hunter

Murray Hunter

Ministerial Association Secretary - Chaplaincy

Graham Baird

Graham Baird

Education (NA)

Gary Marsters

Gary Marsters

Education (Sth QLD)

Ashley Bailey

Ashley Bailey

Education (VIC)

Chris Chapman

Chris Chapman

Education (SNSW)

Dr John Lewis

Dr John Lewis

Education (SA, WA)

Mark Foster

Mark Foster

Education (WA)

Jacques Calais

Jacques Calais

Education (Australia)

Kojo Akomeah

Kojo Akomeah

Associate Director for Public Affairs & Religious Liberty

Jack Ryan

Jack Ryan

Education (Sth QLD)

Paul Fua

Paul Fua

Education (NNSW)

Rhonda Belson

Rhonda Belson

Education (GS)

Sandra Ferry

Sandra Ferry

Education (TAS)

Jodie Ronca

Jodie Ronca

Education (SA)