Around 140 young people gathered at Lilydale Seventh-day Adventist Church in Victoria on March 17 in the lead-up to Global Youth Day for a night of praise and testimony.

The event, hosted by the Australian Union Conference (AUC) youth department’s official publication My Edge magazine, was also live-streamed online and had around 240 views from youth around Australia during the program.

AUC youth director pastor Jeffrey Parker said, “it is very exciting to see My Edge going from strength to strength. My Edge has been part of the Adventist youth ministry for 25 years this summer.”

The event featured young adult speakers Joshua Bejan and Leilani Matuatia, who shared their testimonies, highlighting the incredible ways that God has worked in their lives.

Another feature of the event was the Melbourne Adventist Youth Choir, which performed a special item.

Social media coordinator for My Edge magazine Kapungwe Besa said, “the whole event was a big highlight and blessing for me. From the worship team who only practised once together before the event, to the testimonies, to the number of young adults in the room praising together.”

According to Ms Besa, the outcome of the night surpassed the team’s expectations, “it was definitely all God. But the biggest blessing for me was when the program was finished, people came up to me and asked, ‘when’s the next one?’. We still don’t know the answer to that question, but hopefully soon,” she said.

Pastor Parker added, “It was great to see young adults worshipping God and sharing with each other what God is doing in their lives. It was very inspirational.”