Fellowship, Outreach, Study, Mission
Exploring the teachings of the Bible, extending love to our neighbours, and experiencing the rich fellowship of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
Sabbath School is a vibrant aspect of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, where fellowship development takes center stage. Our sessions offer a platform for members to bond and interact, fostering a sense of camaraderie and mutual understanding among participants. Complementing this sense of fellowship is our commitment to community outreach. Guided by the values of love and service, Sabbath School embarks on various outreach programs, aimed at making a positive difference in local communities and establishing an environment of mutual aid and care.
One of the most defining aspects of Sabbath School is its focus on Bible study. These sessions provide opportunities for collaborative discussions and teachings, where participants not only gain a deeper understanding of biblical principles but also learn how to apply these teachings to their daily lives.
However, our outreach is not limited to local communities alone. Sabbath School expands its vision to a global scale, contributing to foreign mission efforts. This allows us to spread the teachings and values of the Seventh-day Adventist Church across borders, touching lives in every corner of the world.
Connect, Engage in meaningful dialogues and establish a sense of camaraderie within our vibrant community..
Reach Out, Extend love and service to our neighbours through our various outreach programs.
Bible Study, Immerse in a deeper understanding of the Bible in a supportive and collaborative environment.
Foreign Mission, Contribute to our global mission efforts, extending our community’s impact across borders.
From a humble beginning in upstate New York, Sabbath School has grown into a global spiritual institution that continues to nurture spiritual growth through fellowship, outreach, Bible study, and foreign mission. Recognising the need for a comprehensive platform for such pursuits, Sabbath School has become a cornerstone of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, boasting a membership of 14 million individuals worldwide. Our aim is to extend this growth further, inviting more individuals to experience the transformative power of collective Bible study and community service.
It is our desire to resource and equip you. Over time we will grow this list to include the best resources we have access to.
Ministry Leaders

Nicu Dumbrava
Sabbath School (AUS)

Yong Shin Chee
Sabbath School (SA)

Greg Pratt
Sabbath School (SQLD)

Matthew Pearce
Sabbath School (NT)

Lyle Southwell
Sabbath School (NNSW)

Asofitu Leatuavao
Sabbath School (GSYD)

Obed Soire
Sabbath School (WA)

Rick Hergenhan
Sabbath School (TAS)

Russell Bryan
Sabbath School (VIC)

Roger Afele
Sabbath School (SNSW)