Embrace a Life of Stewardship
Discover the profound joy of giving and the reward of managing God’s gifts wisely – our time, talent, body, and treasure – as we journey in Christ.
Our History Of Giving
The Seventh-day Adventist Church’s legacy of stewardship began with our early pioneers working on faith, supported by their own resources and occasional generous gifts. This spirit evolved into a systematic giving program in 1859, known as “Systematic Benevolence On the Tithing Principle,” an initiative strongly affirmed by Ellen G. White. Over the years, our “Tithing System” grew to include voluntary offerings, initiating significant mission endeavors through the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.
From being primarily about capital fundraising, the concept of stewardship gradually evolved to encompass the biblical view of managing all of God’s gifts, including treasure, talent, time, and body temple. Today, our stewardship philosophy underlines a Christian lifestyle in partnership with Christ.
Our Whole Life Stewardship
Practical stewardship encompasses our whole lives. This is represented by the five “T”s of stewardship – our time, temple (body), talents, treasure, and testimony. As good stewards, we’re invited to wisely manage these gifts, enhancing our health, family relationships, friendships, and personal spirituality. Select from one of the buttons below to discover great resources.

Serve with ADRA
The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) exemplifies the practical aspect of the gospel, addressing basic human needs worldwide. Visit their site to discover the latest news and opportunities to contribute to our cause.
The Seventh-day Adventist Church furthers the gospel commission through various departments like Adventist Mission, Adventist Volunteer Services, and Personal Ministries. Explore these sites to learn more about our work and find opportunities to get involved.
Ministry Leaders

Nicu Dumbrava
Stewardship (AUS)

David Butcher
Stewardship (SA)

Graeme Drinkall
Stewardship (WA)

Caleb Williams
Stewardship (SNSW)